As mentioned in a previous post, I found this model in a bargain bin at a local shop, and purchased it purely to serve as a means to experiment with bold, opaque layers similar to the impasto techniques of the French Impressionists. After laying down the base coat of paint, however, I became enamored with the “dancerly” pose and contours of the muscles. This led to a change in plans for the model, and I instead used it to experiment with a skin formula comprised of a deep blue that highlights up to a rosy pink.
Sadly, my troubles with lighting persist, and very little of what I achieved is represented by these photos. One day I’ll resolve this issue, but likely not until I’m settled in a more permanent residence with space for a small studio tucked away in a corner of the house <fingers crossed>. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the process of it all.
Here’s the formula:
- Base with VMC 868 Dark Seagreen
- Highlight with VMC 904 Dark Blue Grey
- Highlight extremes with VMC 944 Old Rose
- Base with VGC 065 Terracotta
- Wash with GW Badab Black
- Base with VGC 062 Earth
- Highlight with VGC 034 Bone White
- Base with VGC 061 Khaki
- Wash with VGC 011 Gory Red
- Highlight with VGC 034 Bone White
Blade (silver)
- Base with VMC 994 Dark Grey
- Highlight first with VGC 050 Cold Grey
- Highlight tops with VGC 049 Stonewall Grey
- Highlight tips and very edges with VGC 001 Dead White
Blade (gold)
- VGC 040 Cobra Leather
- Add a soft wash of VGC 043 Beasty Brown
- Add a general highlight with VGC 039 Plague Brown
- Highlight next with VGC 036 Bronze Fleshtone
- Final highlight of tips and edges is with a mix of VGC 036 Bronze Fleshtone + VGC 001 Dead White
- VGC 040 Cobra Leather
- Add a soft wash of VGC 043 Beasty Brown
- Add a general highlight with VGC 039 Plague Brown
- Highlight next with VGC 036 Bronze Fleshtone
- Final highlight of tips and edges is with a mix of VGC 036 Bronze Fleshtone + VGC 001 Dead White
- VGC 062 Earth
- VGC 051 Khaki
- VGC 034 Bone White
- Highlight tips with a mix of VGC 034 Bone White + VGC 001 Dead White
- VGC 040 Cobra Leather
- Add a soft wash of VGC 043 Beasty Brown
- Add a general highlight with VGC 039 Plague Brown
- Highlight next with VGC 036 Bronze Fleshtone
- Final highlight of tips and edges is with a mix of VGC 036 Bronze Fleshtone + VGC 001 Dead White
- Base with VMC 982 Cavalry Brown
- Highlight with VMC 829 Purpleheart Red
- Base with VMC 876 Brown Sand
- Wash with VGC 045 Charred Brown
- Highlight with VMC 8876 Brown Sand
- Highlight edges with VGC 061 Khaki
- MiniNatur 727-23 S, late summer/approaching autumn
- Highlight tips with VGC 061 Khaki