WIPs, August-September 2010 update 2

Pit-Road's 1/700 KV-II Gigants

These are 1/700th-scale KV-2 tanks made by Pit-Road.  I still need to clean up the edges of the bases, but for now I’m calling these done.

Be sure to click the picture to see a much larger image, and Enjoy!

WIPs, August-September 2010 update 1

A couple photos of my progress on the Deathdancer:

WIPs, August-September 2010

Featured below is the start of a number of projects I’ll be working on in my spare time (very limited at the moment) over the coming month.  The paint jobs for all of these will be extremely simple, excluding the Bronze Age troll and Anakron’s zombie bust, both of which I will give their due.  You can track my progress on these projects here, over at DragonPainting.net, or both.

GHQ KV-1 circa 1940 with appliqué armour and Pit Road's KV-2 (large turret)

Vor Zykhee Deathdancer

Mid-Nor conversion

Bronze Age, troll 1

Pit Road 1/700th scale tanks on their future scenic bases.

Line up, pre-gesso

Line up, post-gesso. I haven't finished prepping everything, yet.


Anakron Miniatures, le Cyclope now available

The Cyclops (sculpted and painted by Anakron)

Anakron Miniatures Studio has just made available for sale the much-anticipated Cyclops model.  You can purchase the model from Anakron’s store by clicking the image above or here.

Phenomenal brushwork, by the way!

Pulp City, Interview with Maciej Żylewicz

The cover of the print edition of the Pulp City rules

Pulp Citizen recently uploaded an interview with the creative force behind Pulp Monsters and their super heroes skirmish game, Pulp City.  It’s worth checking out for not only more information about the game system, but also the behind-the-scenes workings of a start-up in the industry.  I can’t recommend it enough.

Clicking on the image will take you to the first part in the interview, or you can use the following links to view each part separately:


War Chest, Daïkinee Archer and Hybrid: Nemesis

This is to announce that I currently have up for auction two items that may interest some readers, the mail-order exclusive Daïkinee Archer and one brand-new, unopened copy of Hybrid:Nemesis, which includes three exclusive models: nemesis clone, knight of Hod, and the Griffin minelayer.  All proceeds will go towards producing future releases for Mannikin Miniatures.

Work in Progress, Anakron/Roquelaine zombie bust

I’d like to quickly share some progress (although still minimal) on one of the (too) many WIPs currently taking up space on my workbench, the limited edition zombie bust by Anakron Miniatures Studio.  Featured here are a few shots of some of my noodling + the original sculpt, which is a collaboration between Anakron (uniform) and his talented ami, Cyril Roquelaine (face).  I definitely need to clean up the printer’s block (it’s filthy), but am torn about painting it; there’s something to be said for leaving it “natural.”

Mannikin Miniatures

Perhaps some of you noticed the addition of a new page, Mannikin Miniatures ©.  I’ll make an announcement about the new venture soon, and the Web site will be up and running by November at the latest.  In the meantime, check here for updates, or visit the Dragon Painting forum, where you’re sure to find me conversing under my alias, yamaneko.

Up and Running Again!

Thank you, WordPress.  Also, the new theme is definitely better than the old.  I’m currently familiarizing myself with things, and plan to take advantage of the new offerings very soon.

Not happy…

Apparently my old theme is no longer supported by WordPress.  My sincere apologies for any trouble and frustration this is causing.  I’m working on the problem, and hope to have it resolved shortly.

: (

Le Cyclope, coming soon from Anakron

Anakron’s latest model, le cyclope (Cyclops), will be available in a few weeks from his store; the model is currently being cast in resin.  This is one of Anakron’s best sculpts to date, I think, and only a preview of the great things he already has in the works.  Be sure to check his Web site regularly for more information.

BoFA Elven Cavalry, now on sale

click on the image to be taken to the auction

The BoFA elven cavalry are now listed for sale over at eBay.  You can view the listing here.

Battle of Five Armies, elven cavalry

Blister box of GW's elven cavarly for the BoFA game system

Games Workshop upset a lot of people when they pulled the expansion packs of metal models from their Battle of Five Armies range.  Here we are, five years out from their initial release, and in various corners of the net one can still read expressions of discontent about this decision.  Among the metal models are Smaug, a giant, dwarven crossbowmen, spiders of Mirkwood, bats, trolls, and the ever evasive elven cavalry.

Yesterday, during my nostalgia tour of game stores in the SF Bay Area, I was shocked to discover on a rack a mint copy of the elven cavalry.  On the off chance there are still people looking for these models, I’ve decided to make them available on eBay beginning sometime early next week.  All proceeds from the sale will go towards a humble venture into the miniatures industry, but I’ll save that tale for another day.

(My apologies for the poor photo and image quality.  I’m currently traveling as part of an international move back to the United States, and don’t have my regular camera with me.)

Anakron Miniatures Studio, sculpting wooden planks

Anakron has uploaded another great tutorial, this time on sculpting wooden planks.  Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.  There’s no need to worry, if you don’t understand French; the video is so well made, it’s easy to follow what he’s doing.  And he’s more than happy to answer in English any questions you might have about materials and technique in the comments section on his site, or in this thread on the DP forum.  One more thing: it’s possible there will be subtitled versions of these in the future, so stay tuned.

Warmuster, issue 2

The newest issue of Warmuster magazine is available, and can be downloaded free of charge from their Web site.  This issue focuses on sieges, and includes a ton of new rules, scenarios, and some great hobby articles.  Click on the image above for more information.