Tag Archives: RuneCast Sculpts


I’ve been remiss.  I should have posted this a month ago when I first saw the sculpt on Frothers.  Regardless, it’s probably passed under most people’s radars, so I’ll just assume it’s still “post worthy.”

The first few folks to respond in the Frothers thread were immediately reminded of the Gloranthan Broo shaman (just writing that makes me feel like such a geek), but according to Gregor of RuneCast Sculpts this is just the first model for a planned beastmen faction.  I really don’t care what it’s called or classified as–I love it!  The sculpt is primal, earthy, and not excessively busy. I haven’t been this excited about a goatman since Studio McVey published their Pan model a few years ago (see here and my painted version here).

I initially assumed it was quite large, something closer in size to Rackham’s Belial, but it’s actually quite small.  My only complaint is that it won’t be available until the end of the year at the earliest (insert sad face here).