Nostalgic Image of the Day, 20 October 2009

Dungeon Invaders, an old MPC plastic diorama kit

Dungeon Invaders, an old MPC plastic diorama kit

NOTE: Image featured in this post is Copyright © D-Force.

Awesome Architecture

The Loyalist

The Loyalist

Truly amazing, inspiriational work.  Some of the best I’ve ever seen.

Click on the image to be transported to Jeff’s gallery to see more.  (Brace yourself!)

TH Miniatures, NMM Formulas

TH Miniatures, in English and French

TH Miniatures, in English and French

I discovered TH Miniatures a few years ago, when I was really into Rackham miniatures and ready to take my painting skills to the next level.

THM has not posted an update to the site in the past year, and I’m not sure how much longer they will be around.  In the meantime, other than the gallery of beautifully painted models, I highly recommend the page on NMM formulas.  I made a backup copy for myself, just in case the site disappears, and plan to ask the owner about hosting a duplicate page here.


I think Surfacescapes has lots of potential.  But it’s still too clunky, and the dice are awful (don’t try to replace real dice!).  Also, there should be a way for players to interface with the table via their PDA, iPhone, or laptop, which might actually help to speed things up.  While one player is taking their turn, for example, the others can plan and input instructions for their characters in advance (alterable on the fly when necessary, of course).  Also, a color screen more akin to the kindle might be better as well.  Finally, animated monsters should be an option; there will always be people who prefer miniatures to “digital dragons.”

Article Archive, John Tynes’ Minotaur

The Minotaur bust in the old WotC game center

The Minotaur bust in the old WotC game center

A few days ago I reported on the partial settlement in a case concerning illegal online distribution of the 4e D&D Player’s Handbook 2.  The following day a lengthy discussion ensued in a thread over at on this case.  While skimming the through the responses, I happened upon reference to an old article (March 2001) on the rise and fall of WotC before Hasbro: “Death to the Minotaur,” by John Tynes.  This was the first I had heard of the piece; and since I found it interesting, I feel compelled to share it with those of you who never saw it the first time around or would like to read it again.  Below are links to parts 1-2 and 2-2.  Enjoy!

How Wizards of the Coast sacrificed its geeky, Gothic, sex-for-all idealism for Pokémon-size profits and Magic moola. First of two parts.

After a disastrous corporate drinking game, Wizards of the Coast grows up — and loses its soul. Second of two parts.

Nostalgic Image of the Day, 18 October 2009

Circus Maximus (1979)

Circus Maximus (1979)

Meanders of Darkness Painting Challenge, Update 04

More work on the skin, added paint to the eyes and hair.

More work on the skin, added paint to the eyes and hair.

Added thin basecoat layers to cloth and leather.

Added thin basecoat layers to cloth and leather.

Added basecoat to the base.

Added basecoat to the base.

Obviously there’s still a ton of work to do, but the model is starting to come to life…slowly.

Nostalgic Image of the Day, 17 October 2009

Denizens of the Swamp box set, by Grenadier

Denizens of the Swamp box set, by Grenadier

In light of my last post.

NOTE: Image featured in this post is Copyright © 1998-2008 The Stuff of Legends.

Otherworld Troll, WIP

Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5626Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5628Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5629Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5632

This is a WIP of Otherworld Miniature’s Troll I.  I still have some work to do on the face and a few stages of glaze to add, but it’s largely complete.  I’ll fill the seem between the plastic base and scenic base plate with green stuff and putty before finalizing this piece.

One of my favorite miniatures as a child was the troll from the Grenadier Denizens of the Swamp box set, so I was elated when I first discovered the Otherworld trolls (there are two) a while ago.  I have two Troll I and one Troll II models, and look forward to seeing the completed set on my shelf.

Partial Settlement in D&D IP Infringement Case

The 4e D&D Player's Handbook

The 4e D&D Player's Handbook

I may have the dates mixed up, but I think this explains why Wizards suddenly pulled all their material from DriveThruRPG:

“SEATTLE (AP) — Two of eight people accused in lawsuits of illegally distributing Dungeons & Dragons handbooks over the Internet have settled, and the maker of the pioneering role-playing game is seeking a default judgment against a third.

“In one of three lawsuits brought by Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc., U.S. District Judge Thomas S. Zilly on Friday accepted a settlement in which Thomas Patrick Nolan of Milton, Fla., agreed to a judgment against him of $125,000.”  [read more here]

I bought a few PDF versions of 1e material (the original trilogy of AD&D books, the basic set, etc.) from DTRPG a year or two ago, because I wanted digital versions to supplement my print collection.  Ease of access on the go and my obsession for archiving compelled me to make my purchases.  Sadly, that is no longer an option.

Specialist Games, Rumors

Games Workshop's Battle of Five Armies, a personal favorite

Games Workshop's Battle of Five Armies, a personal favorite

I really hope the rumors floating around in various forums (see here, here, and here) about the future and fate of the Specialist Games division are not true.  Time will tell, and soon if word on the street is correct.

I’m thinking seriously about picking up another copy of BoFA.


Nostalgic Image of the Day, 16 October 2009

The cover of the 1984 edition of Dragon Pass (1980)

The cover of the 1984 edition of Dragon Pass (1980)

The AwesomePaintJob Web site

The AwesomePaintJob Web site

There’s some good stuff going on here.  Click on the image to check out their site (there’re some great tutorials and videos on the hobby).

Upcoming Releases from RBG

Einar March Warden Captain

Einar March Warden Captain

RBG - Hostrom HammerSmite

Hostrom HammerSmite

Aurelius the Adept

Aurelius the Adept

Bjorti TrollsBane

Bjorti TrollsBane

Christia the Chaste

Christia the Chaste

Dark Mordred WyrmsBane

Dark Mordred WyrmsBane

Myrianna of AelfHeim

Myrianna of AelfHeim

Red Vanielle

Red Vanielle

Some of the latest from the very talented hands of Mr. Tre Manor (Red Box Games).  I’ve always been an avid admirer of his work, and even have the entire RBG range of products on my shopping list.  But these sculpts have changed everything, and I’m moving them up to “top priority” (right after my first order with Hasslefree for Twilight and other pieces of joy).

Tre’s building a world, and I’m enjoying watching it come to life.

P.S. There are some great photos comparing these models with a GW standard in a thread over at Frothers, for those of you who are interest.

Nostalgic Image of the Day, 14 October 2009

Avalon Hill's Dragonhunt (1982)

Avalon Hill's Dragonhunt (1982)