Upcoming Releases from RBG

Einar March Warden Captain

Einar March Warden Captain

RBG - Hostrom HammerSmite

Hostrom HammerSmite

Aurelius the Adept

Aurelius the Adept

Bjorti TrollsBane

Bjorti TrollsBane

Christia the Chaste

Christia the Chaste

Dark Mordred WyrmsBane

Dark Mordred WyrmsBane

Myrianna of AelfHeim

Myrianna of AelfHeim

Red Vanielle

Red Vanielle

Some of the latest from the very talented hands of Mr. Tre Manor (Red Box Games).  I’ve always been an avid admirer of his work, and even have the entire RBG range of products on my shopping list.  But these sculpts have changed everything, and I’m moving them up to “top priority” (right after my first order with Hasslefree for Twilight and other pieces of joy).

Tre’s building a world, and I’m enjoying watching it come to life.

P.S. There are some great photos comparing these models with a GW standard in a thread over at Frothers, for those of you who are interest.

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