Category Archives: spaceship models


Ravenstar Studios is having a catalog-wide sale through Sunday.  From their blog:

hey having a quick 25% off sale on BSG and TInMen minis.Friday through sunday.  Working on building up cash for the up coming new releases ;
CN fighters. 1/4 inch and 1inch models.
exo squad Resolute 4 inch model
farescape PK carrier 4 inch model
Leviathan warships. veries in size
2011 giveaway ship (top secret)
and wanted to give anyone interested a good break , getting over summer and hopfully every thing is getting better for my fellow mini lovers.

Serendipitous.  I just received my first not-BSG models from Ravenstar this morning.  Expect a review and lots of photos soon.

“The Physics of Space Battles”

Kotaku concept art from the Ninja Magic Web site

There’s an interesting article on by PhD candidate Joseph Shoer about the physics of would-be battles in space that’s worth reading.  From the article:

First, let me point out something that Ender’s Game got right and something it got wrong. What it got right is the essentially three-dimensional nature of space combat, and how that would be fundamentally different from land, sea, and air combat. In principle, yes, your enemy could come at you from any direction at all. In practice, though, the Buggers are going to do no such thing. At least, not until someone invents an FTL drive, and we can actually pop our battle fleets into existence anywhere near our enemies.