Category Archives: painting

Koren the Chosen, a work in progress

I should have been posting this here all along, my latest Rackham kelp WIP, Koren the Chosen.

The kelts were always one of my least favorite factions.  But since painting the musician, I’ve come around; and they are now one of my favorite.  I’m fickle, you could say.

The Rackham studio job for Koren is beautiful, but I’ve decided to take things in a different direction.  Both the sculpts and the palette for the studio model are meant to convey the beastly nature of Koren.  In the process, his human incarnation looses its voice, so I’ve decided to paint the model with a standard human kelt palette and let the sculpt demonstrate the beast.  I hope it works.

Koren the Chosen (Rackham studio image)

More this weekend…

Eureka Frog Warrior Musician

I recently finished this piece as a present for my brother.

You can purchase this model from Eureka Miniatures or Eureka Miniatures USA.

I apologize for the poor quality of the photos.

Frog Warrior Musician from Eureka Miniatures

Meanders of Darkness Painting Challenge, Final Update

Kelt Musician - finished front and back 5999 6005

Rackham's Kelt Musician

Be sure to visit Dragon Painting to see more completed entries for this challenge.

Meanders of Darkness Painting Challenge, Update 06

Kelt Musician, front

Kelt Musician, front

Under the Mountain 01 November 2009 5944

Kelt Musician, back

The leather, metal, and a few odds and ends are obviously not done, but this project is finally nearing completion.  Be sure to visit the Dragon Painting forums to see more entries here (WIPs) and here (final submissions).

Meanders of Darkness Painting Challenge, Update 05

The skirt is done for the most part. The highlights are brighter in real life, and my light tent may help show that later; although it’s possible I will need one more pass with a shade color and another with the final highlight color.

The cords on the front are also done; I’ve only finished two on the back.

The bronze has been washed. Next I need to add highlight and patina colors.

There is a problem with the base colors of the scabbard and skirt. Also, there’s a lot of bronze on the back. I was aware this would happen before committing to the palette, however. The scabbard will get a deep wash with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown and then highlighted back up just to the base color. Ditto for the mallet and sword handle leather. The patina for the oracle plates should help distinguish that bronze from what is on the scabbard, which will lack oxidation.

Anyway, after two hours worth of shading and highlights to the skirt and cords + wash to the bronze:

Under the Mountain 27 October 2009 5814Under the Mountain 27 October 2009 5815

TH Miniatures, NMM Formulas

TH Miniatures, in English and French

TH Miniatures, in English and French

I discovered TH Miniatures a few years ago, when I was really into Rackham miniatures and ready to take my painting skills to the next level.

THM has not posted an update to the site in the past year, and I’m not sure how much longer they will be around.  In the meantime, other than the gallery of beautifully painted models, I highly recommend the page on NMM formulas.  I made a backup copy for myself, just in case the site disappears, and plan to ask the owner about hosting a duplicate page here.

Meanders of Darkness Painting Challenge, Update 04

More work on the skin, added paint to the eyes and hair.

More work on the skin, added paint to the eyes and hair.

Added thin basecoat layers to cloth and leather.

Added thin basecoat layers to cloth and leather.

Added basecoat to the base.

Added basecoat to the base.

Obviously there’s still a ton of work to do, but the model is starting to come to life…slowly.

Otherworld Troll, WIP

Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5626Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5628Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5629Under the Mountain 17 October 2009 5632

This is a WIP of Otherworld Miniature’s Troll I.  I still have some work to do on the face and a few stages of glaze to add, but it’s largely complete.  I’ll fill the seem between the plastic base and scenic base plate with green stuff and putty before finalizing this piece.

One of my favorite miniatures as a child was the troll from the Grenadier Denizens of the Swamp box set, so I was elated when I first discovered the Otherworld trolls (there are two) a while ago.  I have two Troll I and one Troll II models, and look forward to seeing the completed set on my shelf.

The AwesomePaintJob Web site

The AwesomePaintJob Web site

There’s some good stuff going on here.  Click on the image to check out their site (there’re some great tutorials and videos on the hobby).

Meanders of Darkness Painting Challenge, Update 03

The beginning of the highlight stage

The beginning of the highlight stage

A detail of the face

A detail of the face

Obviously a lot of work still to go, but I’ve started the highlight process.

My skin formula for this piece is as follows:

  • Base coat with Vallejo Game Color (VGC) Dwarf Skin (041),
  • First shadow wash (general) is VGC Tan (066),
  • Second shadow wash (recesses and undercuts only) is VGC Tan + VGC Sombre Grey (048),
  • Blend between the shadows and basecoat with a glaze of VGC Tan,
  • Blend first highlight onto the skin with VGC Dwarf Skin,
  • Highlight with VGC Elf Skintone (004).

There’s still a lot of shaping to do, as you can see. I’ll repeat this process on the skin all over the model.

The other areas of the model–cloth, metal, etc.–won’t get this kind of treatment, but I want the flesh to be as good as I can get it. Also, I’m enjoying this experiment with adding blue to the shadows.

I took the detail photo with my 100mm macro lens. The actual size of the photo is way bigger, but it seemed pointless to show greater detail with something this small. The focus is a tad off, because I didn’t bother with a tripod. I’ll take an appropriate photo with this lens when I finish the face.

Be sure to check this thread on the Rackham forums to see the other entries in this challenge.  There are some incredible pieces in the works, including one oil painting.

Meanders of Darkness Painting Challenge, Update 02

Kelt Musician with the skin base coat

Kelt Musician with the skin base coat

Kelt Musician after a wash and glaze in the shadows

Kelt Musician after a wash and glaze in the shadows

This is my first attempt at glazing the shadowed parts of skin with a small amount of blue added to the paint.  I may make a mess of things in the process, but will press ahead regardless.

You can follow the MoD painting challenge at the Rackham forums here.