Category Archives: film

THE HOBBIT, First Official Trailer

This blog started initially as a way for me to track and share a 10mm Middle-earth project I began a few years ago, but has since developed into something completely different.  That being said, with a new film on the horizon, my interest in Middle-earth will likely return; and you can expect to see more on that theme here in the coming year or two.

Enjoy the trailer!

Predators, miniatures

Robert Rodriguez is at the helm of the latest installment in the Predator series, Predators, which is scheduled for a July 2010 release.  Judging by what I’ve seen in the two trailers, it looks like this will be a good one (finally).

A clip from the Predators trailer

Believing that the immanent release of this film will likely generatre some interest in collecting and painting Predator alien miniatures, I thought I’d take a moment to remind folks of these offerings from Copplestone Castings (28mm) and Khurasan Miniatures (15mm).

Enjoy!  And happy hunting!

EDIT: I’ve added the new European Vacation Alien from Khurasan, Heresy’s Hurn, and a sample of the Inaps by Old Crow (Ainsty) below.  Click on the pictures to visit their corresponding Web sites.

UPDATE: Be sure to check out Mikko’s review of these miniatures on his Web site, Dawn of the Lead: LINK

FW25 Hunter Aliens (sculpted by Mark Copplestone, painted by Andrew Taylor)

FW32 Hunter Aliens with Guns (sculpted by Mark Copplestone, painted by Andrew Taylor)

PLA-5 Vacation Alien (painted by Carl Robson)

PLA-5a European Vacation Alien

One of the many "Inaps" available from Old Crow Models (an Ainsty product)

Heresy, Hurn prototype 01 (painted by Wildheart)

Nosferatu – A Symphony of Horror!

A sleepy village ripe for the horror that is Nosferatu

A sleepy village ripe for the horror that is Nosferatu

This is actually a little old, but I’m posting it for those who missed it.  More stunning work from the Lead Adventure Forum.

Never seen Nosferatu?  Shame.  Murnau (the classic) or Herzog?

Settlement, Finally…Hobbit’s a Go

Anthony McCartney, writing for the AP, reports that the long-standing feud between New Line and the Tolkien estate is finally over:

The heirs of J.R.R. Tolkien and a movie studio that produced the blockbuster “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy have settled a lawsuit over the films’ profits, it was announced Tuesday.