Category Archives: Administrative

Administrative Update, 18 March 2010

For those of you who want to stay up to date about what’s happening here under the mountain, I’ve added a subscription option to the column on the right.

Administrative Update, 11 December 2009

Over the coming months I’ll be working on a new section to the site devoted exclusively to Rackham miniatures, the Aarklash Archive in the Athenæum.  I’m currently building the Factions department, which, when finished, will be a complete catalog of every miniature (including WIPs and back stories for some) Rackham created from their inception until the end of the metal line circa late 2007.

I’ve got a bunch of comparison photos to share as well.  Expect to see them soon.

Administrative Announcement, 03 October 2009

I recently added 30 or more links to the “C O M P A N I E S” link section.  For those of you who have not noticed, these are companies that focus mainly on miniatures manufacturing, not terrain, rules, etc.

I added links to a couple more blogs as well.

I have a few articles and a tutorials page in the works.

Administrative Announcement, 30 September 2009

I added links for Offensive, Rapier, Kingsford, Peter Pig, Grey Matter, Pig Iron, and Rusted Heroes, Troll Forged Miniatures, and Morgan Keith Studios to the “Companies” links section.  It’s amazing how many miniatures companies are out there.

I’ll be uploading a few new posts over the coming days, beginning this evening.

Administrative Announcement, 26 September 2009

I‘ve added 90 percent of the company links, a couple film links, contact information, a couple blog links, and a new page specifically for the gesso article.

The descriptions for most of the company links come from the flavor text provided on their associated home pages.  I’ll go back later and add my own descriptions later, but only one or two at a time.

I must say I’m a bit disappointed that many of these companies couldn’t come up with a better catch phrase than some ever-so-slightly amended (or not) version of “XXmm miniatures for the discerning wargamer.”  More companies should strive for something distinctive, like the one for Pulp Miniatures, for example: “Astounding Amazing Miniatures by Bob Murch, the two fisted sculptor of choice for manly adventure gamers around the globe.”  Classic.

Administrative Announcement, 23 September 2009

I’ve finished uploading links to my blogroll for the time being.  I’m about halfway through with the company links.  I’ve also started link sections for online comics and photography (miniatures specific).  These will be small sections, and should be finished soon.

If you have any recommendations, by all means, please let me know by posting a comment.

Administrative Announcement, 21 September 2009

I’ll be uploading links and a blogroll over the next few days.


Your participation in the following poll is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


The rough core of my northern warhost.

The rough core of my northern war host.

The idea for this blog came to me a few months ago, but I’ve restrained from starting it until now so that I could finish a number of higher priorities.  Per one of the motivating factors behind this blog, I also thought it might be a good experiment to wait until shortly after New Year’s Day to start posting.

I was swamped with work last year and didn’t have much time to paint.  But I think if I had managed my time a little differently, I could have squeezed some more minutes out of the day to devote to my hobby.  I decided that what I needed was a plan.  I needed a schedule and a goal (or two) to keep me on track.  Also, since I am out of practice, I felt that I wanted to try a different style for at least one of my projects (28mm), something quicker and easier.  The Foundry painting system codified in Kevin Dallimore’s Foundry Miniatures Painting and Modeling Guide (I’m about to order my own copy) seemed well suited for what I had in mind.  Finally, I wanted something of a retro feel to this project, if not simply because that aesthetic is especially appealing to me now.

With this in mind, at the end of the summer I placed a large order with Mirliton in Italy.  I bought almost their entire range of goblins and hobgoblins + a few trial orcs to flesh out the primary regiments in my winter-themed war host.  I’ve primed and based the initial batch of models in a way that I hope is generic enough to work with most game systems (although I doubt I’ll ever have time to play).  I’ll start painting these using a modified version of the Foundry/impasto painting scheme on Monday, 5 January.  I’ve got a number of ideas for this army, which I will post here over the coming days.  (I should also take a moment to mention that my inspiration for this army is the WitchHunter’s Norse Army.  Beautiful stuff.)

I also want to make great strides with my 10mm Middle-earth project this year.  I initially started chronicling this over at The Last Alliance.  However, for a variety of reasons that I will not go into here, I have decided that is not the forum for projects of this nature.  I hope to finish painting roughly thirty boxes of Copplestone 10mm miniatures this year, beginning with the “Rohan” cavalry.  About half of my goal is primed and ready to go.

Finally, I’ll be using this blog as a traditional blog from time to time, meaning that I intend to comment on things I find in the Web related to the miniatures hobby as a whole.