Have you ever used Tabletop Gaming News? Like many of you, I visit the site several times throughout the day. There’s no other site on the Internet quite like it. Many of us rely on Tabletop Gaming News for the latest information in the industry, and likewise the industry needs Tabletop Gaming News to ensure that news of their latest releases and updates reach as broad an audience as possible.
Now it’s time to give back. TGN is currently running a fundraiser to expand operations and make the site and the information they make available more useful to their readers.
This month was a highpoint for TGN in terms of traffic (over half a million page views), unique visitors (69,000) and even in terms of news items post (140 a week on average). Tabletop Gaming News is primarily a two-person operation with Grant Hill handling our reviews and myself handling the news posting and other duties. Both Grant and myself are, in our real lives, quite busy. Grant has a PhD in Chemistry and is working at establishing himself in the academic world (and also has a young child and wife) and I spend most of my time herding my posse of twin three year old girls. A job that never seems to run out of new challenges 🙂
While this is a somewhat workable solution in terms of keeping TGN running in the manner that it currently does it means that there is not a lot of time to expand TGN, update it based on reader feedback and also to expand the news sources on the site. To that end I am starting a fundraiser to raise funds to help expand TGN, expand the content on the site and also to allow us to pay for people to help bring content to the site. But we’re not just asking our readership to help us build funds to expand the site we also have, thanks to the generosity of some of the companies in the industry, a rather rich cache of goodies to give out to contributors as prizes.
You read that last line correctly, prizes! Tre Manor of Red Box Games, for example, is offering $50 store vouchers to two lucky donors for anything in the RBG store, and Mannikin Studios has pledged a complete collection of all four releases currently available from their website (Grimm’s Cat, Father Christmas, Rip Van Winkle, and Bylot). Still not tempted? Here’s the complete list:
This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and support those who endeavor to provide the latest and best information about the miniatures industry, and, by extension, make your hobby more enjoyable. Please show your support by donating today! Even a little can go a long way.