This is my second jolly good chap from Copplestone Castings‘ set by the same name (you can see my first jolly good chap here). I prepped and primed the model three or four years ago, but it sat in a to-do box ever since. I came upon it again a couple weeks ago while looking for something else. On a whim I decided to see what kind of results I could get during the short time my son was napping. This is the result of that painting session, which lasted about two hours. Simple and effective (but I think I should fill in the wall of grass a little more, and trim back some of the large strands a centimeter or two).
The Jolly Good Chaps set is part of Copplestone Castings’ Back of Beyond and High Adventure catalogs.

Jolly Good Chaps, from the Copplestone Castings catalog (BC10)
Interesting piece of trivia: “back of beyond,” an emphatic phrase used in reference to a location far removed from the world, comes to us from Sir Walter Scott’s The Antiquary (1816):
The laird o’ Tamlowrie and Sir Gilbert Grizzlecleugh and Auld Rossballoh and the Bailie were just setting in to make an afternoon o’t, and you, wi’ some o’ your auld-warld stories, that the mind o’ man canna resist, whirled them to the back o’ beyont to look at the auld Roman camp.