Stonehaven Miniatures, a new venture making its break on Kickstarter the “old-fashioned” way, has launched a campaign featuring a crew of dwarven adventurers.
The Dustforge dwarves project is about creating miniatures to represent a set of 5 dwarven heroes. The Group will include a paladin, a berserker, a cleric, a mage, and a rogue.The goal here is simple: get the 5 dwarves sculpted, cast, and distributed to all of you! Depending on the level of funding that the project reaches, the miniatures will either be cast in a durable urethane resin or white pewter metal. The Dwarves will represent a relatively balanced adventuring party and or a selection of dwarven heroes to lead in any fantasy army.
The Dwarves will be sculpted on a 28 millimeter heroic scale as to fit well with most of the wargame and RPG miniatures.

I was intrigued the moment I first learned about this in a thread on Frothers. That being said, I don’t agree with the opinions expressed in the thread, otherwise I never would have made a pledge.
I’m supporting this campaign, as opposed to some of the other higher profile Kickstarter projects (save OGRE), because I like to support the underdog. It’s not just that, though. The creator of this project has made a demonstrable investment in the art and shown some skill as a sculptor, as evidenced by his past work displayed on the KS page (although he’s clearly still a bit green). I’m not a huge dwarf fan, but my curiosity pushed me over the edge. The investment for the base set + stretch and epic goals wasn’t a lot and worth the gamble. So for now, I’m just going to sit back and see where this goes.