Predastore models from Dawn of the Lead's review

Dawn of the Lead has just uploaded a great review of many of the “predator” models featured in earlier articles (older and recent) published here.  I was particularly interested in his opinions on Heresy’s Hurn, which is sadly now out of print (see the new version here), and the Predastore models I featured in my last article.

I haven’t ordered a hurn yet, but my order from Predastore is on the way.  I’ll be sure to post a review once they arrive.

NOTE: photo featured here is copyright © Dawn of the Lead.

PULP CITY, Night Fright

Pulp Monsters has just announced the release of a new character model for their Pulp City game, Night Fright.  From their website:

Night Fright will make all Necroplane Villain players happy. He comes with his Supreme skyboard, Leech. Watch out for their box companion, Doom Train!

Night Fright is based on a concept by Melvin de Voor, sculpted by Paul Muller, and painted by Olek Kidawa.

I think this is one of the best things they’re ever produced, and have put the model on my to-buy list.  Hopefully I’ll have enough of their other models painted one day to actually give the game a try.  It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.  Pulp Citizen’s enthusiasm for the game, as expressed in his posts on the DP forum, is encouraging as well.

You can read more about this model in a thread on the Pulp City forum.

PREDASTORE, Predator Models

Chasing-Hunter predator (sculpted by Rémy TREMBLAY)

Among the more popular posts on this site is one I wrote more than a year ago on companies that make models based on the alien characters in the Predator franchise.  I had to update the post a few times almost immediately, as predators proved a popular theme in the miniatures world that summer.  No doubt this interest was stimulated by the release of the film Predators at about the same time.  A year has passed and the attention of the greater public has moved on to other things; but there are still people visiting my site, and that original post in particular, looking for sources of predator models for their games and display.

It’s time for another update: have you ever heard of Predastore?

Predator (sculpted by Rémy TREMBLAY)

I first previewed a Predastore model here in an administrative update (company links) back in October 2010, a 35mm model sculpted by Rémy TREMBLAY.  At the time, Predastore was focused more on its line of 1/6-scale predator models; but they’ve demonstrated (and this much I’ve confirmed with the owner, Cedric) an increasing interest in producing models in the size most gamers and hobbyists prefer.  Featured here, for example, are just three of Predastore’s latest releases in the 28-35mm range: Chasing-Hunter predator (sculpted by Rémy TREMBLAY), Bone-Hunter predator (sculpted by Allan Carrasco), and the female Jungle-Predette predator (sculpted by Gael Goumon).

Chasing-Hunter predator (sculpted by Rémy TREMBLAY)

Bone-Hunter predator (sculpted by Allan Carrasco)

Jungle-Predette female predatore (sculpted by Gael Goumon)

If you like what you see, visit the Predastore website to place an order or get more information about their range and upcoming projects.  Definitely put the company on your watch list.  Predastore is commissioning some of the most talented artists in the industry, and, given the popularity of the subject, they’re sure to be around for a while.  I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.


OG7 - Ogre Mage

Otherworld Miniatures has just uploaded painted versions of some of their latest releases.

All of these were painted by the very talented Mr. Andrew Taylor.

You can purchase these models from the Otherworld online store now.  Click on an image to be taken to the corresponding section of their catalog.

DR1 - Drow Warriors I

DU1 - Duergar Warriors I

HH1b - Expedition Mule II (equipment)

WE5c - Lizard King

WE17b - Giant Snake (constrictor)

WE17c - Giant Snake (amphisbaena)

WE18 - Manticore



The dust has settled after GenCon 2011, and CMoN has announced that for those of you who, like me, could not attend, the first Legacy Miniatures models are now available from their online store.  The Mid-nor Hydra retails for $119.99 and the Flesh Golem $79.99.  As of this writing, there were 127 Hydras and 175 Golems available; these are limited edition models.


Dave King of BeDerken Miniatures recently previewed four ensorcelled toads in a thread on Frothers.  The toads should be available from the BeDerken online store in a few weeks.


A member on the forum, atacam, has just uploaded several photos of the Mid-Nor Hydra from Legacy Miniatures.  According to atacam, “It goes together beautifully, with little to no trimming on certain parts.”

Rumor has it that the next two models from Legacy are the Mid-Nor cyclops and an Acheron character.


I’ve just added a new page to the Graphica section of the Aarklash Archive titled Concept Non Validé.  Featured in this section are several pieces of rejected concept art for Rackham studios.  These were first made available in Cry Havoc Online.  I have several more similar pieces of concept art from the old CHOs, which I will upload once I decide where best to put them.

RED BOX GAMES, Celebrating Four Years

Kyrie Brighthelm

Tre Manor of Red Box Games has announced a great sale in honor of their fourth year of business:

Well Guys, we have made it 4 years. I think that officially means I have beaten the odds that most companies fold within the first 3 years or is it 5? Ah well who cares. On with the savings. I am currently running a sale in which EVERYTHING is discounted down by $2.00. Yes that is right two full dollars. The sale starts today, Monday the 1st of August, and runs to next Monday the 8th of August ending at midnight that night.

This is a great opportunity to support one of the great talents in the industry and pick up some amazing models.  I highly recommend RBG’s latest releases, some of which are featured in this post.

Boneback Multipack C

Brynjar Bondi

Greater Infernal Horror

Gregor the Crooked

Sverreulf the Red-Handed

LEGACY MINIATURES, Painted Hydra and Flesh Golem

Mid-Nor Hydra

CoolMiniorNot has just released images of the painted versions of Legacy Miniatures’ Mid-Nor Hydra and Flesh Golem.  Both of these models will be for sale at GenCon 2011 (this weekend) and from the CMoN store thereafter.  They are printed in resin and available on a limited basis.

Flesh Golem

WYRD, Malifaux Previews

Carver (sculpted by Jody SIEGEL)

Tabletop Gaming News just uploaded an article featuring a ton of upcoming releases from Wyrd for their Malifaux game system.  The article includes concept art, sculpts, and painted samples of the models.  My favorites are Carver, Molly, and the alternative Ramos.


Ramos (alternative sculpt)

AARKLASH ARCHIVE, Updates Continued, etc.

Worg of the Waxing Moon

I’ve decided to resume updating the Faction/model catalog section of the Aarklash Archive, and have made two sections of the Bibliotheca available to the public again (C3 cards and the Hybrid rules section, the latter featuring a downloadable PDF of the fan rewrite of the Hybrid and Nemesis rules, “Strain SI-ep23 Viral”).

I’ve also finished the first draft of the Wolfen page in the Faction/model catalog section, and will begin revising and updating the entries with more information shortly (concept art, artist, sculptor, etc).  The Cadwallon page, however, will get most of my attention over the coming week, as the second draft has been incomplete for too long.  In the meantime, if you notice any models missing from the Wolfen page, please let me know.

ADMINISTRATIVE, Legacy Miniatures Page

I’ve started a page devoted to Legacy Miniatures releases.  At the moment there is just one entry, the Mid-Nor Hydra, which features photos of the original sculpt and all of the preview images of the final product that have been made public to date.

I’ll add an entry for the flesh golem later today, and others as information and images become available.  If you catch something before I do, by all means, please let me know.

I apologize for the blurry image at the top of this post (it’s the best I have), but found it fitting for an announcement tied to the Legacy project.  This is concept art for the Kelt living legend model on aurochs mount, which had a product code and release date at one time, but Rackham, for whatever reason, chose not to release.  I’ve seen pictures of the aurochs sculpt, but not the rider.  I wonder if Legacy will release this model.  <wink-wink, nudge-nudge>

COMPANY LINKS, Bederken and MadFly

I’ve added links in the COMPANIES column on the left For Bederken Miniatures, MadFly Miniatures, and MadFly Bases.


Yet another new issue of a free downloadable PDF magazine, this time Blogurizine from France.  This issue is a whopping 50meg, and includes:

– Dust Tactics : un jeu de figurines sur un plateau
– Pig Wars, quand les hommes étaient des hommes et les cochons étaient de l’argent

Aides de jeu
– Pillage ! Scénario pour Pig Wars
– Alkemyyyyyyyyyy…, c’est repartiiiiiiiiii… !
– The Uncharted Seas et Warhammer
– Les combats de Bodange le 10 mai 1940 : un scénario pour Blitzkrieg
– Chants de Griffes et de Crocs : les héros wolfens à SoBH
– De la création de profils… à la création de campagne
– Bien débuter à Firestorm Armada
– La Horde noire, un scénario pour Song of Blades and Heroes

Rapport de Bataille
– Malifaux : le bon, la brute et le démon

– La Cité des Voleurs : Défi bloguriniste

– Galleon et Alkemy
– Japan Action

It’s been quite a month for PDF magazines!