Forge World Order

A batch of 10mm Forge World products in utero

A batch of 10mm Forge World products in utero

I recently received my first order from Forge World.  The goods arrived late due to the holidays, but I expected that since I waited until around the 23rd or so to commit to my purchase.  Regardless, I sent an e-mail inquiry about my order after the New Year, and received a hasty reply with the actual shipment date and ETA.  I mention this because I want to stress that my initial dealings with Forge World exceeded expectations, and to complement them for their great customer service.

Featured here is the (partial) unpacked Forge World order still in its “zip-lock” packaging.  For those of you contemplating a Forge World order, this is what you can expect to find upon tearing open the cardboard.  As for the details of my order, I’ll save that for my next couple of posts.

Lineup of Major D&D Races à la Grenadier

Some of the D&D races from Grenadier via Mega Miniatures

Some of the D&D races from Grenadier via Mega Miniatures

I thought this might be useful: a lineup featuring some of the major races from my recent MM order,   (from the left) a half-orc, human, elf, human female, dwarf, gnome, and halfling.  I hope that some of you find this useful and informative.  Cheers!

Lineups of More Grenadier from MM

Fighter, half-orc, ranger, dwarf, and thief

Fighter, half-orc, ranger, dwarf, and thief

0908 Fighter with Sword
0872 Half Orc (Guthrie)
0928 Elven Ranger
0903 Dwarf Adventurer
0905 Female Sneak Thief

Assassin, dwarf, wizard, elf, and fighter

Assassin, dwarf, wizard, elf, and fighter

0829 Assassin (Guthrie)
0860 Dwarf Hero
0904 Wizard Adventurer
0816 Elf Fighter
0864 Fighter in Plate

Ranger, weapon master, elf, druid, and a gnome on the end

Ranger, weapon master, elf, druid, and a gnome on the end

0805 Ranger with Bow
0828 Weapon Master (Guthrie)
0858 Elven Warrior
0863 Druid (Guthrie)
0833 Gnome (Guthrie)

Interested parties can pick these up from Mega Miniatures’ eBay store here.

The First Lineup

Grenadier Recasts from Mega Miniatures

Grenadier Recasts from Mega Miniatures

Here are five of the Grenadier recasts I received in a recent order from Mega Miniatures, about which I briefly wrote in an earlier post.  More specifically, from the left:

0910 Cleric Casting
0933 Dwarf with Crossbow (Guthrie)
0960 Elven General
0931 Royal Paladin
0918 Halfling Adventurer

I hope my little studio adequately conveys the size of these miniatures (true 25mm goodness) and the quality of the castings (excellent).  That sentiment holds true for everything I plan to feature here over the coming months (years?).  Indeed, one of the impetuses behind this site is to provide, once and for all, good pictures that accurately demonstrate the size and casting quality of models.  I also have a laundry list of comparisons between miniatures from various manufacturers that I’d like to feature, especially at the 10mm and 15mm scales.  Stay tuned!

Updated Studio

Inside the Light Box Studio

Inside the Light Box Studio

I recently made some adjustments to the backdrop I’ll be using for most of my pictures, and purchased a light box.  The grid on my original backdrop was created using a free online graph-paper generator.  Unfortunately, the generator didn’t produce accurate dimensions, and I had to scrap the first set of backdrops.  I replaced these with the grid shown here, which I created using a handy freeware program called GridOmatic.  You can download GridOmatic here.  I can’t recommend it enough.  It’s quick, accurate, and easy to use.

Orders Have Arrived

Rackham scenics

Rackham scenics

Mega Miniatures pack 01

Mega Miniatures pack 01

Mega Miniatures 02

Mega Miniatures 02

Featured here are a couple recent arrivals: two packs of (legal) Grenadier recasts from Mega Miniatures and one blister pack of Rackham’s treasure chests.  I purchased both on eBay.

The Rackham sculpts are fantastic per their old standards.  These scenic packs are hard to come by lately.  This was the last I needed to complete my collection of the Rackham scenics.  (Actually, the resin kits are tempting, but I may just try to make my own.)

The Mega Miniatures Grenadier recasts are fantastic.  I am really excited about these.  I purchased a total of 20 (for now) to serve as “dungeon explorer” counterparts to my growing collection of Otherworld monsters, vermin, demons, and giants.  If you are even a passing fan of the old 25mm stuff, I cannot recommend Mega Miniatures enough.  The price is superb, the recasts are fantastic, the alloy is great, and the nostalgia factor is unparalleled.  I will upload a few pictures in a future post.

More 10mm Fantasy from Eureka on the Way

My first attempt at a 10mm mûmak.

My first attempt at a 10mm mûmak.

This morning I received a reply from Eureka Miniatures’ Nic Robson with regards to the future of their 10mm fantasy line.  According to Mr. Robson, Eureka “have the ents, lots of elves (including cavalry mounted on stags and eagles), some more dwarves and a some [sic] woodland creatures due to be released later this year.”  Personally, I’m really excited about the ents, because I haven’t found anything that matches well with my GW BoFA and Copplestone miniatures, which make up the bulk of my Middle-earth armies in this scale.

Featured here is a photo of my first Eureka war elephant with customized howdah.  The Harad crew is represented by Old Glory Persians.  I wasn’t happy with my attempt at a howdah, and came up with something slightly different for my second mûmak.  I’ll post pictures when I start painting it, which is hopefully soon.

Day One

Since I want to try a few painting techniques with my northern war host, I spent the first night of my new program reviewing a few sections of Laszlo Jakusovszky’s great tutorial DVD set, Hot Lead: How to Paint a Better Miniature.  I am not new to painting miniatures and do not consider myself a novice by any means; but I still found tons of useful tips and ideas in this video.  I plan to write a detailed review sometime soon, so stay tuned for that if you’re interest.  For now, I’ll just say that it’s definitely worth the $40.00 investment.  I also think it’s pretty cool that Mr. Jakusovszky is a librarian at my university; I just wish I had known that when I was still on campus regularly.


I‘m working on a small “studio” that I’ll use to take pictures of my miniatures when size/scale is relevant to the discussion.  I’m a bit fed up with searching the Web for photos that demonstrate the size of a given model as accurately as possible.  This is especially problematic at the smaller scales such as 6mm, 10mm, and 15mm, since the size of race-specific models not only varies depending on the manufacturer, but because most of the representatives for such companies apparently don’t have enough time to take photos of their products.  I want to make a contribution to the community to alleviate this problem that makes so much of us hesitate to invest in a certain range.  I’d also like to quell certain rumors about how so-and-so’s range will never match right with such-and-such a line, etc.

I’ve had the materials to build this studio for several months, but finally broke out the saw and hobby knife this evening.  Nothing is finalized yet, but I finished the studio enough tonight to take a few test pictures.  Featured here are photos of a Mirliton goblin standard with the two prototype background colors.  I want colors that show off the model well, but also make it easy to gauge the size.  So far, I am pleased with the results.

I should mention that Artizan inspired me to use dark blue as one of my background colors.


The rough core of my northern warhost.

The rough core of my northern war host.

The idea for this blog came to me a few months ago, but I’ve restrained from starting it until now so that I could finish a number of higher priorities.  Per one of the motivating factors behind this blog, I also thought it might be a good experiment to wait until shortly after New Year’s Day to start posting.

I was swamped with work last year and didn’t have much time to paint.  But I think if I had managed my time a little differently, I could have squeezed some more minutes out of the day to devote to my hobby.  I decided that what I needed was a plan.  I needed a schedule and a goal (or two) to keep me on track.  Also, since I am out of practice, I felt that I wanted to try a different style for at least one of my projects (28mm), something quicker and easier.  The Foundry painting system codified in Kevin Dallimore’s Foundry Miniatures Painting and Modeling Guide (I’m about to order my own copy) seemed well suited for what I had in mind.  Finally, I wanted something of a retro feel to this project, if not simply because that aesthetic is especially appealing to me now.

With this in mind, at the end of the summer I placed a large order with Mirliton in Italy.  I bought almost their entire range of goblins and hobgoblins + a few trial orcs to flesh out the primary regiments in my winter-themed war host.  I’ve primed and based the initial batch of models in a way that I hope is generic enough to work with most game systems (although I doubt I’ll ever have time to play).  I’ll start painting these using a modified version of the Foundry/impasto painting scheme on Monday, 5 January.  I’ve got a number of ideas for this army, which I will post here over the coming days.  (I should also take a moment to mention that my inspiration for this army is the WitchHunter’s Norse Army.  Beautiful stuff.)

I also want to make great strides with my 10mm Middle-earth project this year.  I initially started chronicling this over at The Last Alliance.  However, for a variety of reasons that I will not go into here, I have decided that is not the forum for projects of this nature.  I hope to finish painting roughly thirty boxes of Copplestone 10mm miniatures this year, beginning with the “Rohan” cavalry.  About half of my goal is primed and ready to go.

Finally, I’ll be using this blog as a traditional blog from time to time, meaning that I intend to comment on things I find in the Web related to the miniatures hobby as a whole.