ARCANA, Revised Edition

I’ve just learned that Fantasy Flight Games, in conjunction with Dust Games, is releasing a revised version of the card game based in Cadwallon, Arcana.

The revised edition of Arcanaprovides players with two new guilds to choose from, the Guild of Fortune-tellers and the Guild of Architects. Additionally, the revised edition incorporates a variety of optional rules that players can utilize to enhance their experience.

Deck customization allows players to pre-strategize. Will you concentrate on having your agents bribe personalities, or perhaps you are looking to gain the advantage over your competition through locations?

Increase the challenge and unpredictability of Arcana through Objectives or Guild Masters. Objectives require players to fulfill stake card requirements to gain additional victory points, while Guild Masters provide competitors with a unique ability that can sway the outcome of card resolution each round.

These game variants and more await you in the revised edition of Arcana. Lead your guild to victory in the streets of Cadwallon!

For more information, visit the Arcana page on the FFG website.

PORTAL, Issue 12

WAMP has just released the latest of their free PDF magazine, Portal.  You can download this issue from their website or by clicking the image above.

This has been a great month for free downloadable magazines!

EUREKA MINIATURES, Cú Chulainn Preview

Jody Siegel of Imbrian Arts recently previewed his incredible sculpt of Cú Chulainn for Eureka Miniatures on the OzPainters forum.

Cu Chulainn is a character from Celtic mythology. He’s known to go into “warp spasms” which is similar to berzerker rages but according to some of the stories the body sometimes takes on some strange contortions similar to shape changes. The client wanted the miniature to be more human shaped (and naked) so I decided to make the veins very visible to show off the stress that the body is under.

This is an incredible sculpt.  It’s dynamic, exudes power, and has the perfect amount of detail for a model of this type (enough to make the sculpt come to life, but restrained to the proper degree so that it’s not overly intimidating to paint).  I’m getting two.

AARKLASH ARCHIVE, Bibliotheca Down

It is with great regret that I have taken down the Bibliotheca section of the Aarklash Archive.  Legacy Miniatures is taking too long to get back to me about this site, and I am no longer comfortable with the content in that section available to the public.  The Bibliotheca was dependent on the assumption that Rackham’s miniatures and Confrontation would remain out of print, but this is no longer the case.

I will continue to work on the Bibliotheca as private pages, just in case Legacy awards UtM the permission to publish some material for archival reasons.

I would like to take this opportunity to note that all of the material on this site was previously available for free from the old Rackham websites and various other places on the Internet.  From the very beginning I limited the scope of my purview to that of compiler, and never intended to abuse any intellectual property rights.  It is in this spirit, to ensure that UtM remains legal, that I’ve taken down the Bibliotheca section.  I should also note, with impending regret, that other sections may follow.

MAGAZINES, Latest Issues

In the last few days three online magazines have posted their latest issues as free PDF downloads: The Ancible, Irregular, and Fan’Fig’.

Please note that Irregular has the following message on their download page:

Some people have been experiencing difficulties using ‘right-click > save as’ in their browser. Instead, click on the links to open the PDF in your browser, then use ‘File > save as’ to save it to your computer. Alternatively, download as a zip file.

Personally, I think it’s easier to just download the magazine from the website directory.

ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE, 13 July 2011 – company links

Man at War's Napoleon at War rulebook

HEER46's new 15mm Soviet gunboat

I’ve added links to Man at War, producers of a new range of 18mm Napoleonic miniatures and rules, Daft Casting, makers of trench terrain for 10mm games, and HEER46, a small company creating unique models for 15mm WWII gaming.

As noted in a previous post, I’ve indefinitely suspended updates to the Aarklash Archive until further notice.  In the meantime, I intend to focus on converting all the company links in the column on the left to the new page format.  Please be patient, as this will likely take some time to complete.


Beasts of War has just uploaded an interview with Vincent Fontaine of Legacy Miniatures with more details on the coming revival of Confrontation miniatures.

ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE, Aarklash Archive Updates

All updates to the Archive are on hold pending the results of current negotiations with Legacy Miniatures regarding admissible content.  I’ll post more information on this matter when I can.

RACKHAM MINIATURES, Confrontation Lives!

CoolMiniorNot has just posted news that Legacy Miniatures has acquired the rights to bring back into production the metal Confrontation miniatures.  From their website:

Legacy Miniatures is excited to announce that they have secured the license to the entire Confrontation back catalog, and will immediately start producing previously released and unreleased figures from this amazing and sorely missed miniatures line.

Confrontation was a game published by Rackham Entertainment until it entered liquidation in 2009, and some of the most amazing 28mm figures in the world ceased to be available at that time. Cyanide Studios, a prominent French video game developer, has acquired the Confrontation IP and has licensed the miniatures to Legacy Miniatures.

“We’re incredibly pleased”, said Vincent Fontaine Artistic Director of Legacy Miniatures and former Paint Director of Rackham Entertainment. “We’re starting out slowly and doing about 2 to 4 releases a month, some miniatures that never saw production before Rackham closed its doors.”

For more information, read the rest of the announcement here.

WYRD, July 2011 Releases

Wyrd recently announced the availability of the latest releases for their Malifaux game:

WYR4039 – Collodi – Clamshell – $10.50

WYR4040 – Marrionetts (4 pack) – Clamshell – $16.50

WYR4041 – Wicked Dolls (3 pack) – Clamshell – $16.50

WYR3034 – Snow Storm (small box) – $35

WYR2038 – Night Terrors (2 pack) – $15

WYR1038 – Guild Hounds (2 pack) – $14

WYR3035 – Mobile Toolkit – $8.50

WYR2039 – Dead Rider (small box) – $30

There are several great models in this release, like Snow Storm and Dead Rider, but my favorite is the Guild Hounds.  Not only because they are for my chosen faction for the game, but especially because they were sculpted by Jody Siegel, one of my favorite sculptors.

(Jody, some of you may recall, sculpted Grimm’s Cat for Mannikin Studios.)

PORTAL, special WAMP2011 issue

WAMP has just made a special issue of Portal available for free from their website in PDF format.  This is a great issue featuring works from some of the greatest painting talent in the world recently on display at WAMP2011.


Have you ever used Tabletop Gaming News?  Like many of you, I visit the site several times throughout the day.  There’s no other site on the Internet quite like it.  Many of us rely on Tabletop Gaming News for the latest information in the industry, and likewise the industry needs Tabletop Gaming News to ensure that news of their latest releases and updates reach as broad an audience as possible.

Now it’s time to give back.  TGN is currently running a fundraiser to expand operations and make the site and the information they make available more useful to their readers.

This month was a highpoint for TGN in terms of traffic (over half a million page views), unique visitors (69,000) and even in terms of news items post (140 a week on average). Tabletop Gaming News is primarily a two-person operation with Grant Hill handling our reviews and myself handling the news posting and other duties. Both Grant and myself are, in our real lives, quite busy. Grant has a PhD in Chemistry and is working at establishing himself in the academic world (and also has a young child and wife) and I spend most of my time herding my posse of twin three year old girls. A job that never seems to run out of new challenges 🙂

While this is a somewhat workable solution in terms of keeping TGN running in the manner that it currently does it means that there is not a lot of time to expand TGN, update it based on reader feedback and also to expand the news sources on the site. To that end I am starting a fundraiser to raise funds to help expand TGN, expand the content on the site and also to allow us to pay for people to help bring content to the site. But we’re not just asking our readership to help us build funds to expand the site we also have, thanks to the generosity of some of the companies in the industry, a rather rich cache of goodies to give out to contributors as prizes.

You read that last line correctly, prizes!  Tre Manor of Red Box Games, for example, is offering $50 store vouchers to two lucky donors for anything in the RBG store, and Mannikin Studios has pledged a complete collection of all four releases currently available from their website (Grimm’s Cat, Father Christmas, Rip Van Winkle, and Bylot).  Still not tempted?  Here’s the complete list:

This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and support those who endeavor to provide the latest and best information about the miniatures industry, and, by extension, make your hobby more enjoyable.  Please show your support by donating today!  Even a little can go a long way.

ARCHIVE UPDATE, more Wolfen and art

I’m continuing to make daily updates to the Wolfen section, and have also added two new sections to the GRAPHICA category in the Aarklash Archive: Illustrations and Wallpaper.  At the moment these sections do not represent all that I have (some files are scattered about on my HD), so be sure to check back on occasion for updates.  Also, please note that two of the files in the Wallpaper section are fan made, and will likely be moved to an area devoted to fan productions.

ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE, 3 July 2011 – company links

I’ve just added several new links to the COMPANIES category in the column on the left.  Included in this update are those listed below.  Click on any of the images to be taken to the corresponding manufacturer’s website.

This industry continues to grow with no signs of slowing or attrition.  Fascinating.

The COMPANIES page has been on hold for organizational reasons, but I plan to start building that section again soon.

Amera Plastic Mouldings

Ant Miniatures

Brother Joseph’s War Art

Evil Mushroom Games

Mr. Dandy

Mutton Chop Miniatures

Solway Crafts and Miniatures

TimeCast Models


I’ve started the Wolfen page at long last.  The first entry is none other than Asgarh (pictured here).

I’ve had to put updates to the archive on hold for a while due to other responsibilities, but now hope to make regular (albeit small) updates on a daily basis until the project is done.  I have lots of great things to upload, so check back often.  Better yet, you can subscribe to the blog by entering your email address in the appropriate location in the bar on the left, or via RSS feed.