Red Box Games has made available for preorder their releases for next month, including the two models featured in my last post. This release includes:
Bruiser Gus, Sleeper in the Alley, Puller of Corks, Cracker of Skulls…..ever needed that hard to find half-orc thug? This is your figure. Big, ugly, dangerous and slightly ridiculous looking he will strike fear into the hearts of any bumpkin unlucky enough to get lost in the Big City back alleys:

The Ever Wonderful Epierre the Entertainer. The perfect Elf bard figure sure to capture the hearts of all the lady adventurers and bewitch the dumb beasts of dungeon, cavern and woodland alike. ALL adventuring parties need an entertainer to lift their spirits in the dark of the dungeon deep, ALL taverns welcome a Dandy entertainer. A great piece for display or gaming you are sure to find a clever use for such a figure:

Herbert Hedgewyrd, Far Wanderer, Candle in the Shadows, Finder of the Lost Ways, Fox Whisperer, BeeSinger, ThornWalker, Brewer of CherryMead, Friend of the Hill Folk and Keeper of Finiuimgreimclcoh. What adventuring party can’t find a place for a Halfling Illusionist / Mage / Druid??:

Mad Angus The Red Bastard of Blythe’s Cliff, a bloody savage to some, a great hero to others. This is fighter sure to wade into the thick of his enemies and leave a wreck of red ruin in his wake. Foes Beware, he is fearless and a longswordsman without peer:

Hefty Hamish Hillander abroad, graciously in service to his presumed Majesty King Ulbrecht of Aengland. Well known from the tavern to the battlefield Hamish is a stalwart fighting man as loyal to his mates as he is fearsom to his enemies!


And for the first time from RBG, undead:
Finally the encounters range of RBG expands with the initial units of undead. There will be more to come, undead of various danger and type. But this first issue hopes to offer enough to begin populating your crypts and haunted keeps with enough mace fodder for a great little game.
WraithKnights…….. hovering ghostly and malicious these dark summons are sure to prove the mettle of any band of adventurers unfortunate enough to trespass upon their protected ground. ( Stupidly not pictured here, is the two handed weapons sprue that is included with this multipack. 2 longswords, 1 flanged mace, 1 ball mace, 1 battle axe, and 1 hammer. each is universally interchangable – except the two long swords with one particular wraith knight.):

Lesser undead. Animated like marionettes by the ethereal malice of dark magicks teh shambling undead shuffle forward mindlessly to mob and mangle any living creature that draws their attention:

The zombies deserve some special attention. A lot of miniatures companies make zombies, some even specializing in them. Of those, many are of exceptional quality (Otherworld–see here, here, and here–and Rackham zombies come to mind, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg). These new zombies from RBG, however, are some of the best I’ve seen. At what is more, they’re cheap–$8.99US-for-6 cheap! I got two sets. 😉
Another great release from RBG; I can’t wait for my order to arrive. Expect to see photos of the models from this release against UtM’s signature ruled background sometime in October.