Category Archives: Mannikin Miniatures

War Chest, Daïkinee Archer and Hybrid: Nemesis

This is to announce that I currently have up for auction two items that may interest some readers, the mail-order exclusive Daïkinee Archer and one brand-new, unopened copy of Hybrid:Nemesis, which includes three exclusive models: nemesis clone, knight of Hod, and the Griffin minelayer.  All proceeds will go towards producing future releases for Mannikin Miniatures.

Mannikin Miniatures

Perhaps some of you noticed the addition of a new page, Mannikin Miniatures ©.  I’ll make an announcement about the new venture soon, and the Web site will be up and running by November at the latest.  In the meantime, check here for updates, or visit the Dragon Painting forum, where you’re sure to find me conversing under my alias, yamaneko.