Anakron recently uploaded an excellent video tutorial for making simple yet highly effective bases for 28mm miniatures. Click on the image to view the video on his homepage. And while you’re there, be sure to check out his other offerings, including a variety of hobby tips and a stunning range of extremely limited (only 30 castings per model) resin miniatures.
One word of caution: the video is in French. That being said, it is so well made that you shouldn’t have any trouble following his instructions.
Anakron recently acquired a special camera mount to make video tutorials of this sort, so you can expect more of the same in the future from one of the industry’s most talented artists.
EDIT: Anakron has kindly shared his paint formulas used in this tutorial. You should have no trouble substituting similar colors from other brands, should you be so inclined. Don’t forget to check Color Match over at Silicon Dragon when in doubt.
– Dark grey: Prince August 867 Blue Gray
– Medium gray: Prince August Games G50 Cold Gray
– White: White
– Dark green: Vallejo Game Color 028 Dark Green
– Light green: Prince August Games G31 Green Camouflage
– Dark Brown: Prince August 822 German Camouflage
– Medium Brown: Prince August 819 Iraqi Sand
– Light Brown: Prince August 837 Light Sand
Plants shown at the end of the tutorial were made using the following:
Grass: static grass, which can be found at any good hobby shop.
Dry desert plants: zeechium, which can also be found at most hobby shops.
Green plants were made using a product called erica foam, which might be available at a local hobby shop, but may require some searching online to locate. Here is a link to the manufacturer (in French): LINK