I think Surfacescapes has lots of potential. But it’s still too clunky, and the dice are awful (don’t try to replace real dice!). Also, there should be a way for players to interface with the table via their PDA, iPhone, or laptop, which might actually help to speed things up. While one player is taking their turn, for example, the others can plan and input instructions for their characters in advance (alterable on the fly when necessary, of course). Also, a color screen more akin to the kindle might be better as well. Finally, animated monsters should be an option; there will always be people who prefer miniatures to “digital dragons.”
Category Archives: D&D 4e
Partial Settlement in D&D IP Infringement Case
I may have the dates mixed up, but I think this explains why Wizards suddenly pulled all their material from DriveThruRPG:
“SEATTLE (AP) — Two of eight people accused in lawsuits of illegally distributing Dungeons & Dragons handbooks over the Internet have settled, and the maker of the pioneering role-playing game is seeking a default judgment against a third.
“In one of three lawsuits brought by Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc., U.S. District Judge Thomas S. Zilly on Friday accepted a settlement in which Thomas Patrick Nolan of Milton, Fla., agreed to a judgment against him of $125,000.” [read more here]
I bought a few PDF versions of 1e material (the original trilogy of AD&D books, the basic set, etc.) from DTRPG a year or two ago, because I wanted digital versions to supplement my print collection. Ease of access on the go and my obsession for archiving compelled me to make my purchases. Sadly, that is no longer an option.