Category Archives: 28-32mm fantasy

Imbrian Arts, goblin set coming

The sculpts for the complete set of goblins



Shrike 1

Shrike 2

Shrike 3

I can still remember when I first stumbled upon the sculpting work of Jody Siegel, the creative force behind Imbrian Arts.  Jody was sharing some of his first sculpting endeavors on the Oz Painters forum, and I was immediately amazed by his prodigious talent.  These were his dragon’s teeth skeletons, which were soon followed (I think I have the release order right) by a necromancer, wraith, and more recently a gnoll mercenary.  Since the release of the latter a few months ago, however, things have been seemingly quiet over at Imbrian; but that’s only because Jody’s been busier than ever working on his next release, the remarkable set of goblins featured here.

When Jody and I last spoke, he had to interrupt our discussion to cut the head off of one of these sculpts in preparation for sending them to the caster to have masters made.  If all goes well the production molds will follow shortly thereafter, and we shouldn’t have long to wait until the whole set goes on sale.  I can’t wait.

Duke of Cadwallon

Duke of Cadwallon

Fantasy Flight Games has just made available for purchase in their online store the “limited edition” Duke of Cadwallon miniature.  The model is plastic and comes pre-painted.  From their Web site:

Bring this figure to the table, and the Duke will no longer stand idly by as thieves rob his royal coffers. Previously available only as a promotional item, the Duke of Cadwallon can now join your collection of pre-painted miniatures for Cadwallon: City of Thieves!

Personally, I plan on rebasing and repainting mine.

You can purchase the duke in their online store ($5.95 US) by clicking on the picture or here.  (Huge thanks to FFG for making this available to everyone who could not attend the conventions where it was sold initially as an exclusive.)

Administrative Update, new company links


Gencorp, Xénocide 2

  • Painted by François Pillot
  • Sculpted by Dominique Seys

Tercio Creativo

Alguacil (28mm, resin)

  • Painted by Ángel Giráldez


Barney the Steamthing

  • Sculpted by Patrick Masson
  • Concept by Thierry Masson


Viet Cong soldier

  • Sculpted by eBob
  • Recon28 is a squad level rule set designed for gaming Vietnam skirmish scenarios in 28mm scale.


Predator (35mm to the eyes)

  • Sculpted by Rémy TREMBLAY


Fantasy Football character

Statuesque Miniatures

Kitzie Rama, femme fatale (metal; 34mm tall, 31.5mm to eyeline)

  • Andrew Rae’s private boutique

Irrational Designs

Belt Carrier

Siberia Miniatures

Red Army troops

TB Line by Tridente Bologna

Heavy European infantry (10mm)

Wyrd, Governor’s Proxy (WIP)

Governor's Proxy, by Wyrd

This is still an early-stage work in progress, but I thought I’d share just in case I can’t finish it before October.  I’m swamped at the moment, and can only touch my paints for about 15 minutes before bed; and very soon I won’t be in a position to paint at all until December.

Anakron Miniatures, le Cyclope now available

The Cyclops (sculpted and painted by Anakron)

Anakron Miniatures Studio has just made available for sale the much-anticipated Cyclops model.  You can purchase the model from Anakron’s store by clicking the image above or here.

Phenomenal brushwork, by the way!

Le Cyclope, coming soon from Anakron

Anakron’s latest model, le cyclope (Cyclops), will be available in a few weeks from his store; the model is currently being cast in resin.  This is one of Anakron’s best sculpts to date, I think, and only a preview of the great things he already has in the works.  Be sure to check his Web site regularly for more information.

Administrative Update, 07 July 2010

I’ve added the following links to their respective headings in the column on the right:

Warning Order (MAGS)

Sasquatch, by Team Frog (sculpted by Pedro Ramos)

Team Frog Studios (COMPANIES)

Miniature Heroes (COMPANIES)

Grey aliens, by Tengu Models

Tengu Models (COMPANIES)

Mad Puppet Miniatures (COMPANIES)

Things have slowed down around here lightly due to an impending international move, but will pick up again once I’m resettled in August.

Anakron Miniatures Studio, base tutorial

Anakron recently uploaded an excellent video tutorial for making simple yet highly effective bases for 28mm miniatures.  Click on the image to view the video on his homepage.  And while you’re there, be sure to check out his other offerings, including a variety of hobby tips and a stunning range of extremely limited (only 30 castings per model) resin miniatures.

One word of caution: the video is in French.   That being said, it is so well made that you shouldn’t have any trouble following his instructions.

Anakron recently acquired a special camera mount to make video tutorials of this sort, so you can expect more of the same in the future from one of the industry’s most talented artists.

EDIT: Anakron has kindly shared his paint formulas used in this tutorial.  You should have no trouble substituting similar colors from other brands, should you be so inclined. Don’t forget to check Color Match over at Silicon Dragon when in doubt.

– Dark grey: Prince August 867 Blue Gray
– Medium gray: Prince August Games G50 Cold Gray
– White: White

– Dark green: Vallejo Game Color 028 Dark Green
– Light green: Prince August Games G31 Green Camouflage

– Dark Brown: Prince August 822 German Camouflage
– Medium Brown: Prince August 819 Iraqi Sand
– Light Brown: Prince August 837 Light Sand


Plants shown at the end of the tutorial were made using the following:

Grass: static grass, which can be found at any good hobby shop.

Dry desert plants: zeechium, which can also be found at most hobby shops.

Green plants were made using a product called erica foam, which might be available at a local hobby shop, but may require some searching online to locate.  Here is a link to the manufacturer (in French): LINK

Studio McVey’s Pan – DP forum duel entry

This is my entry for the recent painting duel sponsored by the Dragon Painting forum.  You can see some tremendous expressions of talent in the work from four other participants (and vote if you’re a member) in this thread.

For more information on Studio McVey products and efforts, visit their store for a growing line of beautiful miniatures and their blog for announcements and inspirational hobby tips.

I wanted the base to look like the forest floor of the redwood forests of California, and used the colors and foliage in the photo below as a guide.  In retrospect I probably should have brightened things up more and added more detritus, but I’m generally pleased with the results.

I’ve experienced problems with capillary creep when using Realistic Water produced by Woodland Scenics, and decided to try clear epoxy.  My plan was to do about ten thin layers, each of which would get a thin wash of light green before applying the next layer.  This would produce, I hoped, the desired look of soupy still water with algae in full bloom.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have time for this, and only was able to apply three layers.  The effect, as a result, is lost.  There’s always next time.

You can find a great tutorial about using clear epoxy for water here.

Finally, for those of you who are interested, my painting formula for this piece.



  • Base with VGC 062 Earth
  • Thorough wash with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown
  • Successive dry brushes starting with VMC 876 Brown Sand
  • Second dry brush with VGC 063 Desert Yellow
  • Third dry brush with VMC 061 Khaki


  • Base with GW Brown Ink
  • Successive dry brushes starting with VMC 988 Khaki
  • Second dry brush with VMC 884 Stone Grey
  • Bring it back down with a wash of VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown

Tree trunk

  • Base with VGC 044 Dark Fleshtone
  • Thorough wash with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown
  • Three successive dry brushes starting with VMC 044 Dark Fleshtone
  • Next dry brush is with VMC 043 Beasty Brown
  • Third dry brush is a lichen effect with a mix of VMC 907 Pale Greyblue + VMC 833 German Cam. Bright Green

Tree trunk rings

  • Base with VGC 042 Parasite Brown
  • Thorough wash with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown
  • Selective highlights first with VMC 043 Beasty Brown followed by VMC 061 Khaki
  • Take this down so that the recesses are darker, and bring it back up with more VGC 042 Parasite Brown + the same brightened with Bonewhite or Khaki.


  • Base with VGC 034 Bonewhite
  • Wash the underside with VMC 905 US Bluegrey Pale
  • The top is a transmission mix of VGC 042 Parasite Brown + WFT Citadel Colour Golden Yellow, taking care to leave the very outer edge of the mushrooms pure Bonewhite


  • Paint underside with VGC 028 Dark Green
  • Paint top with VGC 030 Goblin Green


  • Base with VGC 027 Scurf Green + VGC 051 Black
  • Fill with three layers of clear epoxy, washing each layer (except the top) with VGC 027 Scurf Green the VGC 029 Sick Green


  • VGC 067 Cayman Green
  • VGC 067 Cayman Green + VGC 006 Sunblast Yellow, bringing it almost up to pure yellow
  • Highlight with VGC Scorpy Green



  • Base with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown, being careful to leave just the tips of the hooves untouched so that the primer remains
  • Wash the hooves near the roots with VGC 051 Black
  • Base the tips with VGC 062 Earth, blend toward the roots
  • Blend between the brown main parts and tips with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown


  • Base with VGC 061 Khaki
  • Wash with a combination of VGC 045 Charred Brown + VMC 994 Dark Grey
  • Wash again with a combination of VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown and VMC 862 Black Grey
  • Drybrush very delicately with VGC 062 Earth
  • Drybrush again with VGC 061 Khaki
  • Tone down the highlights where necessary with a drybrush of VGC 062 Earth


  • Base with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Wash once with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown
  • Wash the recesses with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown + VGC 051 Black
  • Wash deepest recesses with pure VGC 051 Black
  • Drybrush with a combination of VGC 045 Charred Brown + VGC 062 Earth
  • Drybrush with pure VGC 062 Earth
  • Drybrush with a combination of VGC 062 Earth + VGC 061 Khaki

Hair beads

  • Base with VGC 019 Night Blue
  • Highlight with VGC 048 Sombre Grey


  • Base with VGC 062 Earth
  • Highlight with VMC 876 Brown Sand
  • Highlight next with VMC 041 Dwarf Skin
  • Final highlight with VMC 061 Khaki
  • Work back down with VMC 041 Dwarf Skin to smooth the transitions


  • Base with VGC 062 Earth
  • Wash with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Paint the tips with VGC 062 Earth, blend toward the roots

Inside of mouth and teeth

  • Base with VGC 012 Scar Red
  • Wash with VMC 822 German Cam Black Brown
  • Paint teeth first with VGC 062 Khaki
  • Highlight teeth with VGC 034 Bonewhite


  • Thin application of VGC 066 Tan over the base coat of VGC 062 Earth


  • Apply a general wash to the area with VMC 822 German Cam Black Brown
  • Base the inside with VGC 012 Scar Red
  • Paint the whites of the eye with VGC 034 Bonewhite taking care to cover most of the red
  • Paint the iris with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Paint the pupil with VGC 051 Black
  • Add a highlight dot with VGC 001 Dead White


  • Base with VGC 062 Earth
  • Wash recesses with VMC 822 German Cam Black Brown
  • Highlight with VGC 066 Tan
  • Final highlight with VGC 041 Dwarf Skin

Leather straps

  • Base with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Wash with VMC 822 German Cam Black Brown
  • Highlight with a mix of VGC 045 Charred Brown + VGC 050 Cold Grey


  • Base with a mix of VMC 833 German Cam. Bright Green + VGC 040 Cobra Leather
  • Wash with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Work back up with the base coat
  • Highlight with VGC 063 Desert Yellow
  • Highlight again with VGC 061 Khaki
  • Paint the whole area of the strap designed with alternating triangles VGC 034 Bone White
  • Pick out individual triangles on one side with VGC 030 Goblin Green then VGC 031 Camouflage Green

Necklace and earring

  • Base the beaded chain with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Medallion and necklace are based with VGC 040 Cobra Leather
  • Medallion and necklace are highlighted first with VGC 038 Scrofulous Brown
  • Final highlights with VGC 049 Stonewall Grey
  • Inside of the medallion is straight VGC 051 Black and VGC 034 Bonewhite
  • Wash the beaded chain with VMC 822 German Cam Black Brown
  • Randomly dot beads with either VGC 038 Scrofulous Brown, VGC 040 Cobra Leather, VGC 042 Parasite Brown, or VGC 044 Dark Fleshtone

Bracelet 1

  • Base with VGC 040 Cobra Leather
  • Highlight first with VGC 038 Scrofulous Brown
  • Highlight again with a mix of VGC 038 Scrofulous Brown + VGC 061 Khaki
  • Highlights with VGC 049 Stonewall Grey

Bracelet 2

  • Base with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Highlight with VGC 044 Dark Fleshtone
  • Highlight again with a mix of VGC 044 Dark Fleshtone + VGC 061 Khaki

Scythe handle

  • Base with VGC 043 Beasty Brown
  • Wash thoroughly with VMC 822 German Cam. Black Brown
  • Highlight raised areas first with VGC 062 Earth
  • Highlight edges with a mix of VGC 062 Earth + VGC 050 Cold Grey

Scythe blade and ring fasteners

Base with VGC 050 Cold Grey

Dark regions with VMC 994 Dark Grey

Highlights with VGC 049 Stonewall Grey



  • Base with VGC 028 Dark Green
  • Wash with VGC 027 Scurf Green
  • Highlight with VGC 026 Jade Green
  • Highlight further with VGC 025 Foul Green
  • Blend with initial wash, VGC 027 Scurf Green


  • Base with VGC 042 Parasite Brown
  • Wash with VGC 045 Charred Brown
  • Bring back up with VGC 042 Parasite Brown
  • Highlight with VGC 008 Orange Fire
  • Highlight again with a mix of VGC 008 Orange Fire + VGC 034 Bonewhite


  • Base with VGC 047 Wolf Grey
  • Add very light washes of VGC 024 Falcon Turquoise and VGC 013 Squid Pink
  • Add a dab of VGC 024 Falcon Turquoise wash to the base area and underside of the top of the wings.
  • Highlight selectively with pure VGC 001 Dead White

Tor Gaming, painted Britanan

One of Tor Gaming's Britanana miniatures (painted by atacam)

Tor Gaming recently posted an image of the first painted miniature for their forthcoming skirmish game, Relics.  There’s at least two more in the pipeline nearing completion, and likely more to follow soon.  Visit the Tor Gaming Web site for more details.

This was painted by my good friend from the DP forum, atacam.  You can see more of his amazing work on the DP forum or his Facebook page, Atacam’s Miniature Miracles.  Like what you see?  Atacam is available for commissions, whether for display or the table.

Anakron Miniatures, Toorak and Jack

Prose for this entry is coming soon; I was extra eager to share some pictures for now.  For more information (or to purchase one of these models, which are limited to just 30 castings) visit Anakron at his site and store.

Blister packs of Toorak and Jack


Cadwallon via Pardulon, doors, doors, doors…

Many moons ago, Rackham produced some fantastic doors as part of their line of scenic elements.  The doors have a strong Aarklashian look to them, and are ideal pieces for anyone venturing to build a three dimensional representation of, for example, a Cadwallon neighborhood.  Unfortunately, Rackham only made two.

Rackham's "large door"

Rackham's "manor door"

Enter a small European company called Pardulon, who make four resin-cast doors (sculpted by Karsten Radzinski) that are perfect for any Aarklashian setting: French, wizard’s, merchant’s, and simple.  The photos of their doors speak for themselves:

Pardulon's "French door"

Pardulon's "wizard's door"

Pardulon's "merchant door"

Pardulon's "simple door"

I don’t know anything else about Pardulon save what is on their Web site and some good reviews about their products I’ve heard from a friend.  That being said, I’ll be placing an order with them very soon.

P.S. For those of you ambitious enough, volume 13 of the print edition of Rackham’s Cry Havoc! magazine has a fantastic article about making your own Aarklashian doors.

Cry Havoc!, vol. 13

“Painting lots of 1980s figures without going mad”

I try not to harvest other people’s work from the forums too much, but there’s one thread over at Frothers that I keep returning to, and I’d really like to share.  It’s by kingofdaveness (wonderful name, by the way), and features some painted samples of his Citadel miniatures in a style that is clean, simple, and highly effective.  The thread is packed with some great tips on painting, too, so be sure to take your time reading it.  And enjoy the eye candy!

Citadel miniatures painted by the talented kingofdaveness

Reaper Miniatures, April 2010 releases

Featured here are a few Reaper models scheduled for release in April.  I have a huge collection of Reaper models, and usually find a model or two (or three or four) to add to my wish list with each release announcement.  But these three models in particular are quite exceptional.  The details are nice, but not over the top; the proportions are largely accurate (although the elf wizard’s staff is a tad too thick); the weapons aren’t too large; and the characters are great.

Autumn Bronzeleaf

  • 03492: Autumn Bronzeleaf, Elf Sorceress
  • Sculpted by Jeff Grace


  • 03491: Anirion, Wood Elf Wizard
  • Sculpted by Bobby Jackson

Karlov Diedrich

  • 03484: Karlov Diedrich, Wizard
  • Sculpted by Bob Ridolfi
  • $3.99

Visit Reaper’s preview page for more information.

Reaper’s New Dragonette = 10mm Fell Beast

Dragonette (front)

Dragonette (back)

Modifying Reaper’s forthcoming dragonette model to serve as a fell beast for 10mm Middle-earth gaming would be simple.  Smooth out the scales with some green stuff, cut off the head and sculpt a longer one (or leave as-is), and add a rider.  I’m getting nine.

Reaper Saprolings for Ents (also see here), and now this.  I wonder if they’ll ever make something I can use for trolls.