Bjorti TrollsBane (sculpted by Tre Manor)

Hostrom HammerSmite (sculpted by Tre Manor)

Crowbiter (sculpted by Tre Manor)

Goblin Berserkers (sculpted by Tre Manor)

Viking Husecarls (Kallistra)

50mm castle wall section (Kallistra)

Mongol light cavalry (Kallistra)

Mongol heavy cavalry with lance and bow (Magister Militum)

Ashigaru on foot with spear (Magister Militum)

Greater orc warrior with armour (Magister Militum)
I recently placed orders with three separate companies, Kallistra, Magister Militum, and Red Box Games.
Rather than order direct, I decided to buy the RBG stuff from Full Metal Planet, one of the two online vendors for miniatures-related product in Japan (the other is Malefic, another great store). There aren’t many game stores in Japan, so this is the closest I can come to supporting an LGS. I’ll post pictures against the grid when they arrive, for those of you who are curious.
This is my first time ordering from Kallistra and Magister Militum. I’ve been interested in some of their products for several years, but have never made the commitment to buy anything, because the pictures don’t tell me enough about what to expect. Size is the main issue here, but also detail, casting quality, and customer service.
I ordered this seemingly random selection of models (see photos above) because I’m still looking for good proxy models to flesh out my ever growing 10mm Middle-earth project. I don’t really need anymore orcs, as Copplestone Castings has provided me with ideal models for the race, but I’m always looking for ways to add further character to what I have. I’m also looking for models to use as Dunlendings, Variags of Khand, Wainriders, and Easterlings, thus the Vikings, Mongols and ashigaru, the latter of which will require some modifications with putty. Questions remain, however, about how these will work with the standards of my project, largely set by Copplestone, Eureka, and GW 10mm metal models. When they arrive I’ll put them against the wall and take a load of comparison pictures to share here. We’ll all know soon enough.