Remember Fictive Miniatures? Maybe not. They were a one-man operation out of the UK that started up a few years ago with two releases. All together there were four orcs, including three warriors and a lord dubbed Bilebelly.

Bilebelly (sculpted by Paul Muller, painted by Myrmidon Studios)
I made some inquiries in a Frothers thread recently, and as luck would have it the owner of Fictive Miniatures, JSG, responded. He confirmed the demise of Fictive Miniatures, but said that anyone wanting some of the models could place an order with him via email. He didn’t mention the price, but back when they were still available the pack of orc warriors sold for £7.00 and the lord for £6.00.
Inevitably someone asked about the fate of the molds and masters, to which JSG replied that “if someone where interested I’d be willing to sell.” I hope someone takes him up on that, as it would be unfortunate if we lost these to oblivion.
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