MANNIKIN STUDIOS, Bylot Painted by Anakron

Mannikin Studios has recently posted a painted version of Bylot, one of their first models, by Anakron.  From the announcement on their website:

David AYRAL (Anakron) of Anakron Miniatures Studio recently submitted these pictures of his stunning version of Bylot (glennling 1). We’re quite impressed by Anakron’s incredible display of skill, and humbled that he was inspired enough by the piece to bring it to life. Thank you, Anakron.

Bylot is one of the ghosts from Henry Hudson’s ill-fated crew that haunt the Catskill Mountains in Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle, and is included in our range of characters based on Arthur Rackham’s illustrations for the work. Bylot was sculpted by Anakron.

Visit Anakron’s gallery on Cool Mini or Not to cast your vote for his rendition of this model, and stop by Mannikin Studios to check out their growing catalog of miniatures.

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