Tag Archives: Confrontation

CONFRONTATION, Viress Cards Available

The cards for Viress and her weapon bearer, exclusive Cadwallon models for the 2007 Paris GenCon, are now available for download here.  The zip file contains both the French and English cards.


CoolMiniorNot is now distributing the English edition of the French gaming magazine, Ravage.  From their website:

Ravage, the premier French miniatures and table top gaming magazine, is now available in the U.S.A.! The only independent magazine in print catering to the fantasy and science fiction tabletop gamer, each bimonthly issue is chock full of reviews, previews, news, event coverage and painting how tos!

Issue 1 has 69 full color pages, including an exclusive interview with Raphael Guiton on the revival of Confrontation, the legendary fantasy skirmish game!

CYANIDE STUDIO, Confrontation Release

Cyanide Studio recently informed us that the much anticipated Confrontation video game will be released “just before Easter.”  In the meantime, they are running a contest leading up to the release on their Facebook page.

CONFRONTATION, Phoenix Edition

Confrontation is coming back.  The announcement was made at the Game Manufacturers Association‘s (GAMA) trade show, currently being held in Las Vegas.  The game and all associated products will be licensed by Cyanide Studio, produced by Legacy Miniatures (a division of Dust Studio), and distributed by Cool Mini or Not.

I haven’t seen a huge response to this news yet, and it’s too early to tell how successful this venture will be.  So far my impression is that people are either extremely excited about this announcement or somewhat indifferent.  I never played the game initially, and don’t predict that I’ll start with this new edition.  That’s not because the game doesn’t appeal to me; I just don’t have the time at this stage in my life (maybe again one day).  Consequently, I’m in the indifferent camp.

I’ve also had more than my fill of Confrontation products.  I became a Rackham devotee back in 2003, and have a nearly complete collection (all in storage, sadly).  That being said, I picked up most of the Legacy sets that were released in the past months, and might purchase a few bits and bobbles this year if tempted enough.  I’ll even get the rulebook, assuming they hire a writer worth their salt to edit the volume (someone with a thorough knowledge of composition, grammar, style, and punctuation).  That purchase will be mainly for the art and photos, however, and to satiate my incessant appetite for books.

Some of the most informative tidbits on this incarnation of Confrontation were in a QA with David Preti of Dust/Legacy posted by Almanro on the DragonPainting forum.  I’ve posted this below (with some edits):

Q: Is it a new edition of the C3 manual with the integration of the C3.5 rules?
A: It starts from version 3 and 3.5 with a complete review and refresh

Q: Are there changes (improvements) to C3.5 rules, or will they remain the same as we know?
A: I think there will be changes

Q: If the previous is “yes”, is there the opportunity to propose changes or the project is already closed and tested?
A: The project is not closed and is being tested

Q: Is a print hard copy version planned or only the pdf will be offered on-line? If a hard copy version is planned, which will be the languages?
A: A hard copy of the manual will be available in English and French.

Q: Do you think to re-release all the Confrontation miniature range?
A: No. Of course the miniatures that are too old won’t be re-released

Q: Will there be new miniatures no longer in “limited edition”?
A: There will certain be new miniatures, but not immediately. Be patient!

Q: Will be the cards modified to improve the game dynamics?
A: Yes

Q: What is the expected timing?
A: At Gama previews will be shown of what you will see from now to 6-9 months

Q: Metal or plastic or resin?
A: Resin and Metal

Q: Possible costs?
A: In line with other miniature games (certainly not Legacy prices! Which will remain for the moment for the next few waves)

Q: Is there the possibility to create an official tournament circuit supported by the brand?
A: Yes

CYANIDE STUDIO, Confrontation Video Game

Cyanide Studio has just released a video premier of their forthcoming video game based on the Aarklash universe.  (Please note that the website is in French, but the video is in English.)  Based on what I can see in the video, it looks like Cyanide did a great job translating the look and feel of Aarklash to the video game format.

To view more screenshots of the Confrontation video game, visit the Cyanide page here and their official site for the game here.  And don’t forget to drop by their forum while you’re there.