VESPER-ON, June Carnevale Releases

The French Revolution has fascinated me since I first read A Tale of Two Cities (1859) by Charles Dickens years ago.  I’ll never get out of my head the image conjured  when Dickens described the man in the street writing BLOOD on a wall with wine spilt from a merchant’s cask.  That’s another story, however.

Vesper-On’s Carnevale, given its background, has always threatened to pull me in, but until now I’ve been able to resist.  No longer.  I can’t say I’ll ever play the game, but a few of these models are now on my to-buy list.

About this release, Vesper-On wrote:

We want to finish this second Carnevale release showing the family pic with all our new miniatures, to compare dimensions.

The new miniatures will be available from Saturday June 23rt
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